As your hosts, and in case you are new to The Farmhouse, we wanted to introduce ourselves! We are a nonprofit based in Plymouth, MA, dedicated to empowering youth and creating opportunities to connect and find one’s passion.

Welcome to the first in a series of Farmhouse Challenges! The Community Commercial Challenge is designed to give students and those interested in production and film an opportunity for creative breakthrough. Your mission is to create a 90 second (or less) advertising spot for a local business of your choice and get creative with it!


Sign up for our Summer Branded Film Program led by program director, Molly Mitchell, by clicking the program application button below. There are a limited number of spots available for this program and entries are due June 12th.


While providing absolute creative freedom, this program will be here to provide guidance and support through the process…

  1. To include creative concepting to production scheduling, casting, filming, post production and more!

  2. There will be 5 meetings that will last 2-3 hours each. More support is available, if needed.

  3. At the end of the program you will submit the advertisement you have created. Screening and awards will be held in October.


Molly Mitchell is an Executive Producer with 17 years of commercial experience with brands such as Apple, McDonald’s, Pepsi, and Jack Daniels. She has spent the last 13 years in NYC with a background in production, post-production, and talent representation.


Not able to participate in the summer program? You can still submit an advertisement you have made on your own. Entry is due September 15th, 2023. Follow us on Instagram @thefarmhouseplymouth and check back here for more details.

  • Program Entry Deadline: June 12, 2023

  • Extended Program Deadline: June 15th, 2023

  • Program Start Date: June 19, 2023

  • Entry Deadline: September 15, 2023

  • Screening Celebration & Awards: Sat, Oct 14th at The Farmhouse.


  1. Choose from our lengthy list of local businesses or get permission from a local (New England based) business to create your advertisement.

  2. Ad must be 90 seconds or less.Every ad has an angle. What will yours be? How will you break through the noise to connect with a customer? Showcase a local brand, product, or service with your unique perspective.

  3. Prizes include $1,000 cash, possible media placement, stay tuned for more prize info. Winners will be announced at the October 14th screening celebration.